Sunday, August 23, 2015

A Heart of Gold is always rare to find

“Success for me lies in the belief that at the end of the day my actions have had a positive effect on at least one person in the world”.

For several years now I have continued reaching out with a kind heart and tender hands to special children and destitute people giving them the faith and hope to realize, they are not in it alone. And support is always there.

Believing that No act of kindness, no matter how small it is, is ever wasted’ as a student in Dubai I have has led many other students as well of youth group SynergY to distribute over 1500 food packets to workers at landfill sites during 2013-2014 and also this Ramadan.  Ramadan is a special time of year when Muslims around the world take a step back from their daily routines and focus on community, charity, fasting, and prayer. Supported by Dubai Municipality officials the campaign Convoy to Feed’ welfare many.
I have visited Missionaries of Charity and Leprosy center every year and supported children suffering from Leprosy and mental challenges with my savings and part of the award money that I have won over the years.  As UAE’s Youth Ambassador to World Peace Caravan I continue promoting Peace and healthy lives for all especially children in war -affected areas, and as the Youth Ambassador –A world at School, ‘Up for School and Education for all’.
I always felt that It is easy to sit up and take notice. What is difficult is getting up and taking action. Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. In a world where there is so much to be done, I feel strongly impressed that there is something for me to do always.”
I chose Dubai Municipality landfill sites because we planted hundreds of trees in the past few years at some of the landfills and understood how much of hard work these people do for us and this would be our way to express gratitude and share time with them during the holy month of Ramadan.”
Little did I know, that, being the reason someone smiles today, as a 16-year-old I will be rewarded and honored as unsung hero with the Splash ‘Heart of Gold’ trophy for the good deeds becoming the reason behind hundreds and hundreds of smiles and my passion for the humanitarian work.

If you wish to be a part of SynergY and support my work please connect with me

Splash Heart of Gold